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00:00:00: Music.

00:00:06: Willkommen beim ÄrzteTag im Podcaster Ärztezeitung.

00:00:10: Mein Name ist Elisabeth Keller und ich Bewohner und Herren im Online Store for the first time everyday and your mother Song Song frontiere short MSF.

00:00:20: German Ärzte ohne Grenzen in English doctors Without Borders expert at the UN climate change conference.

00:00:27: Schwimmbad Scharnhorst in public health physischen Doktor local on Mac IP advisors msfconsole Haus und Hobby diseases

00:00:35: disfigured his research is mostly concentrated on Islands ameixa in the South Pacific.

00:00:40: He is born in Australia and with Andreas bitte Mosambik today hier speaking Typ.

00:00:46: ROCK AM dr.med Eifel

00:00:52: ein kurzer letzter requires a mass of participating in the UN climate change conference.

00:01:02: MSF has been working on topics related to continue family is even if we will not thinking about them describing am in Neustadt am See.

00:01:17: FSB info along Queen Elizabeth

00:01:27: er hatte Boys einstudieren persischen und ich will draw beide zu der Hinterachse covid-19 intakt aber Euromünze

00:01:36: Warrior Assault systems theory of everything that MS Office Präsentation Paris unisex and away.

00:01:47: The conference TS we said today witness

00:01:52: spkrb.de süßer Sekt in the patients and operations in many countries where I work around world covid-19 Mosambik.

00:02:06: Weil der Weg ist von der first project ver msf.ch a specific focus on planetary haspa.de project

00:02:15: design and methods and the reason why music is a little bit special for us and them that is because we're in the project being the dort in der Country.

00:02:29: From the very beginning is looking to consider what are the health impact Score matching.

00:02:36: Whatever happens in Firmenkarte weißen provided the interaction between humans and morgen.

00:02:44: The walking with MSFT to try and reduce Toys E-Bikes only human population by the way

00:02:53: mein Chihuahua hat condos interest or cancel invoice to the countries were MathWorks

00:03:01: Amanda möchte Bauch Notebook anschließen der Uhr holt meine kannst du da ja auf den packst du Carnage ein Waldohreule in der Au

00:03:10: bis dahin turilli's Herbert Volker seine Hände in this is the way we are the infinity project solution

00:03:20: MNR way of working eickenrode Viewer bitte zweimal Zittau

00:03:25: erkennst du da, den Ball mit Respekt panetteria what have you done there.

00:03:35: Hardworking and bedeutet in the design in the project in the north of the country in which the health of you

00:03:46: areas of work medico topics linkedin panetteria Ingrid Maria

00:03:53: Prinzessin Manga meistersel Citylauf infectious diseases zu disney Warenkorb

00:03:58: habe tanzen Mesquida gone Gesäßes weser-kurier.de.

00:04:04: Checking for the presence of Denguefieber which one of them is kill the boss is on my skin turn around the world including Royale change.

00:04:13: Bei uns der geilen CB looking at 1 tempting für interessante wegen decided to watercolor.

00:04:22: Meisterfeier und Ariel traces in history in conjuring 3.

00:04:29: Also sagen alles ist die Sekte ist present in Meisenweg Endeffekt was kostet das S9 Note

00:04:43: Kursinformationen release the damage.

00:04:47: RCD Gastrointestinaltrakt oder denotieren gecheckt and the phenomenon of natural disasters.

00:04:56: Dabei kommen in my Sunday kettelservice in many other countries in the world Ops 3 the weather and changing time to make with IBM Angelparadies Frisbee project Meisenweg.

00:05:11: Ein wow MSF Credits history has been dealing with

00:05:16: infectious diseases and photos are sisters of new way of the missing dependencies for project paixao the view

00:05:33: 9 dreschen mit einem Endeffekt Evans and birth of the working with thinking the walking.

00:05:44: Websocket not identify but in the death that way to other projects that there is the wire

00:05:51: Pizzeria Bissingen Madagaskar industriematten America and out of the world climate change

00:06:01: insurances for example the mosquito transmitted Onassis.

00:06:10: Denke zweite Zeile sind da Harry styles of consciousness research Übelkeit.

00:06:17: Faschingssitzung Pico where the DOM is taking place than you where you work in the research Systemadministration Satellite 19 ideas for this reason the warrior with one of the first Topic strategic small.

00:06:32: SMS covid-19 RIAS

00:06:38: exquisitely lenkt nix Christmas and the City Limited Edition speakers MSG the population one

00:06:47: sieht aber habe ganz neu when there is what are we there is certain pray for Paris Saint-Germain Trikot adidas away Directorate.

00:07:00: Am Ende den neuesten editions can expand the number of the range of the mystic Operation an der roten Ampel.

00:07:10: Piko RX Eisenbahn SG da ist

00:07:17: dann wieder die Wasser Coop ersatzdisplay in Sant'Agata

00:07:24: Alvaro Backstage singer autopsy of conditions

00:07:32: inline von der Kaiser Harald should become more suitable for the mask I told you that embraces

00:07:41: Meister des Windes guitar what means numeric

00:07:49: the greatest Bodenordnung Mary in the world in sub-Saharan Africa

00:07:57: Enthalpie Polenta von Maria Meister mit Schulen

00:08:01: Destiny carry you turn on the board and the Devil Inside Director Mesquida Koppel weißt du deine Tage Zeit total Säure location

00:08:17: maschinistin das Gehalt bekommen

00:08:26: Osterhasen des with me inside the water.

00:08:32: Means end and the living experience for the paper meisterfels banana.

00:08:37: Ist lackierte Kost eine dich no fifty to turn down every day.

00:08:44: Thermo Mary did not taking for nothing in this.

00:08:49: Statistics by Discounter real this is everywhere I go with you when I think about the day

00:08:58: the crew army of the the the the the the the the the the the Mentalist contribution in creating

00:09:09: would you say that to climate change of the quality of water gets worse

00:09:16: korswandter Malaria mosquito Killer attacks everywhere it will also change the water chords

00:09:29: Entfernung Echinodorus also zur Anzeige oder wo Sie Miriam Seitz seine Station nach Hause in Dessau

00:09:37: Programm UCI the toilet with the hands that what is the national the new day

00:09:44: Mexikaner in Borbeck auf eine Anzeige seiner technischen major major course auf deutsch this is the date Karten Programm

00:09:59: one million deaths per year again the ocean auf deutsch the current to the front.

00:10:09: Andie Case temperature range in the day and extreme weather events search for the ghost on drugs and friends

00:10:18: Xylit C unsafe

00:10:22: more than the best ever danced with everyone the grace of this increase in Entebbe to increase

00:10:37: the Soldado the days before the new

00:10:45: Gabriel Jesus rohweiß 211 Handtaschen audio recorder one point for the horizon.

00:10:58: Alles ist soweit Magic Robin Williams all that is not fair

00:11:06: eine List no thanks I'm at the world population can you stay with an sei froh dass seine Taschen in hiding disability basic human right next to be addressed ja ja kannst du antworten

00:11:20: blöd aber weißt darf keine Change influence Haus.

00:11:23: Seitz Moskitos antworte

00:11:31: Extreme Metal bands like Stones in Graz

00:11:35: außer drunk history in a concrete present on the significance of

00:11:44: FOS Eggolsheim bei groß einen Effekt auf?

00:11:51: Burning for Sophie Rose wurmseher ms410dn everything to the story of the jungle Song people worldwide

00:12:05: iPhone 9

00:12:13: erinnere kostet the mental health consequences of climate change

00:12:18: immer jedes vorher King in the Pacific raising with really there is nothing to see how people using Bella and within the walls of Swing countertops entrelac entwickelte rising cities.

00:12:33: Ich will I have significant impact on the mental health of different countries like that.

00:12:43: Auch in Kollmitz 1

00:12:44: Wetter Eberdingen zwischen römischen in security and the World Health Organization sms.at

00:12:54: climate change is already responsible for around 450.000 sterne2 than the rest the magic that doesn't consider all the categories

00:13:05: Aufgaben zu Wald, challenge.

00:13:09: Eben auf Leipziger Hafen des études many zwischen Evonik in city that in children again in sub-Saharan Africa.

00:13:18: Auf der beste Köln Schulen in Samsung nervige ready2music.

00:13:30: Post many many mornings at the top secret show them that every year starvation because of the wild.

00:13:39: Connecting Fox Fischerei Bistro the water and OCD. The hungry and the contract Details total.

00:13:51: Was kann Beton is there anything that can help.

00:13:58: Thundermans Hochtöner vs intenso covid-19 adaptation

00:14:05: which is what many countries 1 ohne seine Seite Messer sunpoint.de das von the ways to manage the native.

00:14:14: Detrimento impact on call mit Steinmuster already being used in the coming in the future simple.

00:14:22: Wedding in several countries hat man mit Chihuahua Parka mit Geist early warning system.

00:14:28: Volkslehrer der nächsten where we can be prepared that we found in the arrival the protector release

00:14:38: Familientag bedeutet bitte Max Leasingkonditionen.

00:14:42: Rosenteich Mystery looking at the forces that determine elektrischen in Syria now

00:14:53: überall getrennt ist dabei

00:14:55: Versace Fashion crisis Manager ein Hurricane the dark descent Reibungszahl.

00:15:08: Farmer important ist Mädchen ein bisschen.

00:15:13: Actions Typs slide in reverse the effect of time changes AIDS.

00:15:21: It an acceptable in the we are living in a world where I can you.

00:15:28: Digger the dinosaurs and prehistoric forest and burn them in the atmosphere train again there are several other.

00:15:37: War aber auf Handy Forum sendet dir war dort zumeist in the world ist er nichts abgebucht erziehungstheorie.

00:15:47: Korsing salmani.

00:15:49: Navy CIS impact on many aspects Verbatim calling on earth and one of the greatest solutions that we are experiencing the grass is always the changes am distant

00:16:03: red wine estate me when is my favorite thing to the world of the

00:16:12: way to stop burning fossil fuels ne stop meeting Kabel nd with effects covid-19

00:16:21: Whiskey experience dickes avoria Morelli dann intensiv carbon emissions and the economy in the the the the right thing.

00:16:33: Big bounce today and take their health FME sofatutor.com the generations down and stopping burning Software

00:16:43: wünschen gut Hotel dies ist eine Probe new rules of strategy and when the rainbow

00:16:51: E-Mail cento world where the damage effects of carbon emissions are no longer Sabine US-Raumfahrtprogramm.

00:17:03: Come to one more specific point climate change on the person impact

00:17:08: biodiversity red explain the connection of the rise of Sonos is on the disappearance of ecosystem

00:17:16: ja sorry we're getting into abfallimporte discussion of what many people were everything to this is panetteria

00:17:24: ist seine Tracks in the train Stream in seinem Haus in den Ball mit links, change the major factor loadings deforestation

00:17:36: in balmet und dergleichen land use resource depletion and biodiversity loss of the south.

00:17:45: Sorry for the Royal College change cruising translate into the certification dictionary

00:17:54: längste deforestation and land use is linked to reduction of Warsaw the sausage pay the price contract migrating

00:18:04: it can be hard the pride day spicers dickes ROC

00:18:08: Annett singt somewhere over there connected the context of the dead.

00:18:21: Something like seven hundred thousand people displaced backwards losing a hundred thousand deaths already

00:18:29: with my job OWL und jetzt kam in Klingnau nutrition Mixer Russell Hobbs and entering Security Holding in the mix the weekend

00:18:39: also nice ist dickes what the face tattooed man.

00:18:46: Kirmes in einem OS Update Größe Kontakt bei disasters hat SCR brakes auf seine rechte Seite Sat-Schüssel des Preises

00:18:57: sympathischste Namen in Volxheim podestbau coasterfriends.

00:19:05: Maslaki Hexal scary to the bars covid-19 bei The Voice jumping from anonymen

00:19:15: deadweight species to humans and that is.

00:19:20: The history and future ist Ingrid interaction between humans and animals in the way that is someone at royal wedding pirate search

00:19:31: Celine Security der covid-19 vergleichen dekra-station possible to look for different sources and the research for me because of the Dance Jury.

00:19:45: Chilenische Kaiser Silberbauer.

00:19:48: Zeige kenne den Ausdruck selbst riders of thrombosis

00:19:57: Incabloc marokkanisches TNT vor der Wind mit den Bäumen in covid-19 Modenschau

00:20:07: seit der ersten Wow-Effekt Wer ist die Küste fundamentals nexit eine gerne für sich im Inselparadies Zingst der Rücken.

00:20:16: Obwohl deine in den Bergen mit eurem warmen liegt.

00:20:23: Bring a trailer and I would like to Struts Bussi.

00:20:29: Bekommst covid-19 vs soundboks undenkbar Verkehrsinfo Antonov Souvenir.

00:20:36: Warrior written the happy place of the consequences for now have you expected.

00:20:45: Water Panda Mitleid covid-19 wird kommen.

00:20:53: The tomorrow when neues iPhone Arena wars have been considered by many SunExpress am used to be among the most likely to the next mrasek Endres.

00:21:08: Was ist der Affenkönig Serie.

00:21:19: Bitteschön auf Mössingen 6aces in KODi neues Vista Internet mit Handschuh.

00:21:24: Zeugnis TTT Patrone Brothers Capitol Hannover

00:21:29: Rainer was there it's not there we predict that this one is the great day without love.

00:21:42: Ja das Ergebnis 1 bis 1 oz silver power structure that each Situation did you know where in the world is the key to mobi.

00:21:53: How much do you want from this pandemik the waking up around the bend Hotel Andaz West.

00:22:02: Badestrand do you think that is always on time and arrow countries in Africa sorry

00:22:16: jetzt noch Pizza Express has been and gone tipps Tricks ist

00:22:23: this time is like the Beatles covid-19

00:22:33: major major pentamix erinnere century Alpenrose TV genießen bogdu der schmerzhafte

00:22:52: bis maler.de.

00:22:54: Edeka one identity petitcollin building in the west and wild run this town needs to experience alvaro devastation and death.

00:23:04: Santana

00:23:06: so what exactly can doctors prepare for the interview

00:23:18: theramedico Befestigung sein Auto research Fidelity the curious to the field of emerging infectious diseases

00:23:27: Ceranfeld nicht noch mal das Beste aus zwei Welten weißt du wir müssen es anders das Verlies

00:23:34: was versteckt instaport neues you are doing the invaluable resource Pack von Restaurants Alsfeld Berechnung des medico professional whether we work directory Python Summer fun

00:23:46: Jim Rogers.

00:23:48: Oh by the way where can I find out the specialists in den Secretary of athenry season of the lost Idols working public health.

00:23:59: Responsibility not be im present to be alert to be informed to make sure we stay current with the emerging.

00:24:09: Research onion textiltrade think we are the roses and the kids

00:24:16: Note Stylus chronischen Südfriedhof Eichenzell es entwickelt for patients and the Middle East to make sure that I used rides the bus Helfer architected and not Voreifel login or Eco AG max

00:24:31: contempro sag doch mal was vor bis Seite bekomme ist

00:24:37: maymay made in Germany do with this is one of the most fundamental human rights and that the one the thing they tired of the most in arrow to the crew

00:24:49: discussions and in the way we

00:24:51: Endstand 1. aber sie ist so jetzt auch deshalb responsibility speaker on the half of and detect changes over abreißen PC.

00:25:02: Also Dingen properties from the early in this is podracing Sky Swiss.

00:25:08: Un conditions and disabilities we are the champions informed.

00:25:17: Der kleinen Form erreichen seine LG Kai der Chinesen AGP Airport ecovadis Pickles

00:25:26: think of course a beautiful ones to be and if you want anything else

00:25:35: thank you for the opportunity and they have the topic

00:25:46: interesting error and complex also DSR have spent much should my career.

00:25:53: Working else condition fahren good for One Piece chapter 913

00:25:59: 19 l Restmülltonne work that body is a doctor sitting at the airport Cabo de centeno werde n3rd.

00:26:15: Tinker Board of work to some of the world meist neglected top Racing Savona agnotis Portugal the ordinary day thank you mind.

00:26:28: So once again thank you very much doctor Lettland MacGyver und danke auch allen die zuhören.

00:26:35: Music.

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ÄrzteTag - der Podcast der "Ärzte Zeitung". Wir blicken kommentierend und persönlich auf den Tag, wichtige Ereignisse und Meilensteine. Wir laden Gäste ein, mit denen wir über aktuelle Ereignisse aus Medizin, Gesundheitspolitik, Versorgungsforschung und dem ärztlichen Berufsalltag reden.

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